50/50 Parity Campaign

Save the Date: “No More Excuses”: Gender Equality after the EU Elections – What’s next?

Final Conference EWL 50/50 and Parity Democracy for Europe Campaign: No Modern European Democracy without Gender The Event will address outcomes of the 2014 European Parliament elections from a gender perspective and aims to evaluate the impact of the Parity Democracy and EWL 50/50 Campaign, which aims at reaching Parity Democracy quantitatively and qualitatively.   …

The final happening to support gender parity in EP

Fórum 50 % organized the final happening to the parity campaign. The happening called “We Are All In” started with a press conference in an old historical tram which than moved to a roundtrip through Prague. Members of Fórum 50 % and voluenteers were giving people leaflets and motivated them to support women in the…

Does your MEP candidate support Gender Equality? Audit by the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies

[Brussels, 22 May 2014] Within the framework of our Parity Democracy Campaign, the the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies and the European Parliament Office in Cyprus carried out an audit of MEP candidates’ positions on gender equality and women’s rights. Please find the results on their website.

Countdown towards the European elections: are the European political parties committed to gender equality?

  European Women’s Lobby Gender Audit of the European Political Parties’ Programmes from a gender perspective – in the framework of the 50/50 Campaign No Modern European Democracy without Gender Equality [Brussels, 20 May 2014]  This week, EU Citizens have the right to vote in the European elections. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has done some…

Greek Conference on the 50/50 Campaign Equal Participation of men and women in the elections of the European Parliament and Local Elections

(Brussels, 9 May 2014) The Coordination of Greek Women’s NGOS , a member of the European Women’s Lobby, held a conference on the subject of Parity Democracy with regards to the upcoming elections by the end of April. This event took place in the Offices of the European Parliament in Athens and aimed at raising awareness for the…

Gender Parity in democracy: Let’s keep the balance!

(Brussels, 26 March 2014) The European Women’s Lobby member, the Maltese Confederation for Women’s Rights Organisations, is organising, together with the European Parliament Office in Malta, a public debate on gender parity inside the European Union. It will take place on Wednesday 2nd April 2013 at Dar l-Ewropa at St. Paul’s Street, Valletta between 8.30am to 1.20pm.

Civil society preparing for the upcoming European elections in Italy

(Brussels 25 March 2014) The Italian national Coordination of the Women’s Lobby talked last Friday at an event in the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Jean Monnet programme of the European Union and the AUSE (The Italian Association of European Studies) in Florence. Panelists were representatives from the European Association of Teachers, the Erasmus Students Network of Siena, the Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence and the Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union.

Maria LudovicaTranquilli-Leali, the Secretary General of the Italian Coordination of the EWL, was invited to talk about the situation of women inside the European Union, female voter behavior and the underrepresentation of women in the European Parliament and European politics. She furthermore talked about our 50/50 campaign and the aim of parity democracy for Europe. She reminded the audience and participants to vote for gender equality and to raise awareness of the importance of the next EP elections to give the right signal to all EU institutions.

For more info and tools to disseminate on the elections please click here.

Seminar on gender equality and diversity in European political life, European Parliament, Brussels

Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Prominent Supporter of the 50/50 Campaign

The EWL is very honoured to announce the support of Mr. Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, for the EWL’s 50/50 campaign.