Fórum 50%


Forum 50 % is a Czech NGO working for equal political participation of women and men. The insufficient representation of women in political life influences the quality of democracy and has a negative impact on the functioning of the Czech society.  Our primary goal is to surpass the level of 30 % , which is the minimum representation any group needs to reach in order to be able to advance its interests and to stop being a discriminated minority. Our long-term goal is to reach parity of men and women, which we consider to be the basic principle of democratic, pluralistic society.

The main principle of our undertakings is apolitical approach – Forum 50 % is a strictly non-party association. We also work on a change of attitudes of Czech society towards women and men and their roles in public life. We further try to create equal and fair conditions for both women and men to participate in the decision making procedures. We are also realizing projects close to our main aim as implementing of Gender Budgeting etc.

Women in the Czech Politics

National Level


Currently there is only one woman in the current temporary caretaker government. The situation wasn´t much more better in the previous elected government which was originally nominated as men-only.

Chamber of Deputies

In the current Chamber of Deputies there is 22 % of women. This historicaly highest number of women were elected thanks to preferential votes given to them directly by the voters.


There are 14 female senators in the Senate, which means 17 %.

Local Level

The highest number of women is represented on the local level. But the bigger the town is, the less women can be found in the assembly.

European Level

European Parliament